最新消息 - Canon CPS專業服務 - 佳能 台灣


    Canon to Sponsor the Asian Games Hangzhou 2022

    SINGAPORE, 28 January 2022 (Updated on 20 July 2022) — Canon announced today that the Company has signed a basic partnership agreement to become a sponsor for the Asian Games Hangzhou 2022, organized by the Olympic Council of Asia and the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 Organising Committee. This year’s games, the 19th Asian Games, will be held from September 23 to October 8, 2023* in Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China.


    謹此介紹Yong Teck Lim,他是一名攝影師,Getty Images編輯,也是2021年世界體育攝影大賽的入圍者。 他將爲我們講述他與佳能相機的特殊際遇。

    CPS會員福利 攝影愛好者齊分享!

    對於和Adrian Silas Tay志趣相投的人來說,帶著相機和一群熱衷於拍攝野生動物的攝影師一起踏足野外,不啻是至高享受,而這也許是他最期待的週末消遣活動之一。


    俗話說,千里之行,始於足下。對於Asmady Ahmad而言,他在2004年首闖婚禮攝影領域,伴隨他的是一臺EOS 300D相機。這臺相機對於初次涉足這個競爭激烈的行業的攝影愛好者來說,無疑是一個不起眼的選擇。

    The idea behind CPS

    Imaging, whether still images or video, contributes to the chronicling of human history and the development of culture and civilization. Now and in the future, that important role of imaging will remain unchanged....